1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> |
2 | <databaseChangeLog logicalFilePath="database-schema.xml" xmlns="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/1.9" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/1.9 http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-1.9.xsd"> |
3 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="init"> |
4 | </changeSet> |
5 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="0"> |
6 | <tagDatabase tag="0"/> |
7 | </changeSet> |
8 | <!-- TEST SCHEMA >> --> |
9 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="1"> |
10 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="aa_authorization_parameter"> |
11 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
12 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="aa_authorization_parameter_pkey"/> |
13 | </column> |
14 | <column name="param_no" type="int4"> |
15 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
16 | </column> |
17 | <column name="attribute" type="VARCHAR(100)"/> |
18 | <column name="operator" type="VARCHAR(100)"/> |
19 | <column name="value" type="TEXT(2147483647)"/> |
20 | <column name="connective" type="VARCHAR(10)"/> |
21 | <column name="order" type="int4"> |
22 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
23 | </column> |
24 | </createTable> |
25 | </changeSet> |
26 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="2"> |
27 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="aa_group"> |
28 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
29 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="aa_group_pkey"/> |
30 | </column> |
31 | <column name="name" type="VARCHAR(100)"> |
32 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
33 | </column> |
34 | <column name="description" type="VARCHAR(1000)"/> |
35 | </createTable> |
36 | </changeSet> |
37 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="3"> |
38 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="aa_group_authorization"> |
39 | <column name="auth_name" type="VARCHAR(100)"> |
40 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
41 | </column> |
42 | <column name="group_no" type="int4"> |
43 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
44 | </column> |
45 | <column name="param_no" type="int4"/> |
46 | <column name="rule" type="int4"/> |
47 | </createTable> |
48 | </changeSet> |
49 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="4"> |
50 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="aa_user_group"> |
51 | <column name="username" type="VARCHAR(100)"> |
52 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
53 | </column> |
54 | <column name="group_no" type="int4"> |
55 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
56 | </column> |
57 | <column name="order" type="int4"> |
58 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
59 | </column> |
60 | </createTable> |
61 | </changeSet> |
62 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="5"> |
63 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="user_attribute"> |
64 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
65 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="user_attribute_pkey"/> |
66 | </column> |
67 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="user_no" type="serial"> |
68 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
69 | </column> |
70 | <column name="attribute" type="VARCHAR(100)"/> |
71 | <column name="value" type="TEXT(2147483647)"/> |
72 | <column name="type" type="VARCHAR(100)"/> |
73 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="priority" type="int4"/> |
74 | </createTable> |
75 | </changeSet> |
76 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="6"> |
77 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="user_authentication"> |
78 | <column name="username" type="VARCHAR(150)"> |
79 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="user_authentication_pkey"/> |
80 | </column> |
81 | <column name="password" type="VARCHAR(150)"> |
82 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
83 | </column> |
84 | </createTable> |
85 | </changeSet> |
86 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="7"> |
87 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="user_operation"> |
88 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
89 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="user_operation_pkey"/> |
90 | </column> |
91 | <column name="username" type="VARCHAR(100)"> |
92 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
93 | </column> |
94 | <column name="module" type="VARCHAR(100)"> |
95 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
96 | </column> |
97 | <column name="operation" type="VARCHAR(100)"> |
98 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
99 | </column> |
100 | <column defaultValueDate="now()" name="date" type="TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE"> |
101 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
102 | </column> |
103 | <column name="parameter" type="TEXT(2147483647)"/> |
104 | </createTable> |
105 | </changeSet> |
106 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="8"> |
107 | <addPrimaryKey columnNames="auth_name, group_no" constraintName="aa_group_authorization_pkey" schemaName="public" tableName="aa_group_authorization"/> |
108 | </changeSet> |
109 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="9"> |
110 | <addPrimaryKey columnNames="username, group_no" constraintName="aa_user_group_pkey" schemaName="public" tableName="aa_user_group"/> |
111 | </changeSet> |
112 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="10"> |
113 | <addUniqueConstraint columnNames="user_no, attribute" constraintName="user_attribute_user_no_key" schemaName="public" tableName="user_attribute"/> |
114 | </changeSet> |
115 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="11"> |
116 | <createIndex indexName="aa_param_index" schemaName="public" tableName="aa_authorization_parameter" unique="false"> |
117 | <column name="param_no"/> |
118 | </createIndex> |
119 | </changeSet> |
120 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="12"> |
121 | <createIndex indexName="aa_param_index2" schemaName="public" tableName="aa_group_authorization" unique="false"> |
122 | <column name="param_no"/> |
123 | </createIndex> |
124 | </changeSet> |
125 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="13"> |
126 | <createIndex indexName="aa_auth_name_index" schemaName="public" tableName="aa_group_authorization" unique="false"> |
127 | <column name="auth_name"/> |
128 | </createIndex> |
129 | </changeSet> |
130 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="14"> |
131 | <createIndex indexName="aa_user_group_index" schemaName="public" tableName="aa_user_group" unique="false"> |
132 | <column name="username"/> |
133 | <column name="group_no"/> |
134 | </createIndex> |
135 | </changeSet> |
136 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="15"> |
137 | <createIndex indexName="user_operation_index" schemaName="public" tableName="user_operation" unique="false"> |
138 | <column name="username"/> |
139 | <column name="module"/> |
140 | <column name="operation"/> |
141 | <column name="date"/> |
142 | </createIndex> |
143 | </changeSet> |
144 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="16"> |
145 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="group_no" baseTableName="aa_group_authorization" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="aa_group_authorization_group_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="RESTRICT" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="aa_group" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
146 | </changeSet> |
147 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="17"> |
148 | <createView schemaName="public" viewName="user_view"> |
149 | <![CDATA[SELECT ua.user_no, u1.value AS username, u2.value AS full_name, u3.value AS receipt_signing_type, u4.value AS mobile_signature_phone_number, u5.value AS mobile_signature_credit FROM ((((((SELECT DISTINCT user_attribute.user_no FROM user_attribute ORDER BY user_attribute.user_no) ua LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_attribute.user_no, user_attribute.value FROM user_attribute WHERE ((user_attribute.attribute)::text = 'username'::text)) u1 ON ((ua.user_no = u1.user_no))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_attribute.user_no, user_attribute.value FROM user_attribute WHERE ((user_attribute.attribute)::text = 'fullName'::text)) u2 ON ((ua.user_no = u2.user_no))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_attribute.user_no, user_attribute.value FROM user_attribute WHERE ((user_attribute.attribute)::text = 'receiptSigningType'::text)) u3 ON ((ua.user_no = u3.user_no))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_attribute.user_no, user_attribute.value FROM user_attribute WHERE ((user_attribute.attribute)::text = 'mobileSignaturePhoneNumber'::text)) u4 ON ((ua.user_no = u4.user_no))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT user_attribute.user_no, user_attribute.value FROM user_attribute WHERE ((user_attribute.attribute)::text = 'mobileSignatureCredit'::text)) u5 ON ((ua.user_no = u5.user_no))) ORDER BY ua.user_no;]]> |
150 | </createView> |
151 | </changeSet> |
152 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="18"> |
153 | <comment>SERIAL'ler serilerin sonuna _seq ekliyor, ama kodda oldugu gibi cagirabiliyoruz</comment> |
154 | <sql> |
155 | ALTER TABLE aa_authorization_parameter_no_seq RENAME TO aa_authorization_parameter_no; |
156 | ALTER TABLE aa_group_no_seq RENAME TO aa_group_no; |
157 | ALTER TABLE user_attribute_no_seq RENAME TO user_attribute_no; |
158 | ALTER TABLE user_attribute_user_no_seq RENAME TO user_no; |
159 | ALTER TABLE user_operation_no_seq RENAME TO user_operation_no; |
160 | </sql> |
161 | <rollback/> |
162 | </changeSet> |
163 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="19"> |
164 | <comment>Default Data</comment> |
165 | <sql> |
166 | INSERT INTO aa_group ("no", name, description) VALUES (1, 'Signomat Base Users', 'Signomat Base Users, have basic usage rights'); |
167 | INSERT INTO aa_group ("no", name, description) VALUES (2, 'SignArt Client Users', 'SignArt Client Users, have access to CSP mobile signing facilities'); |
168 | INSERT INTO aa_group ("no", name, description) VALUES (3, 'Workspace Users', 'Workspace Users, have access to /workspace web pages'); |
169 | INSERT INTO aa_group ("no", name, description) VALUES (4, 'Dox Users', 'Dox Users, have access to /dox web pages'); |
170 | INSERT INTO aa_group ("no", name, description) VALUES (5, 'Admin Users', 'Admin Users have access to /admin web pages'); |
171 | INSERT INTO aa_group ("no", name, description) VALUES (6, 'Demo Users', 'Demo Users have limited access, no access to DoX, and no timestamp facilities in signing portal'); |
172 | |
173 | |
174 | INSERT INTO aa_group_authorization (auth_name, group_no, param_no, "rule") VALUES ('PageAccessAuth', 1, NULL, 1); |
175 | INSERT INTO aa_group_authorization (auth_name, group_no, param_no, "rule") VALUES ('PageAccessAuth', 2, NULL, 2); |
176 | INSERT INTO aa_group_authorization (auth_name, group_no, param_no, "rule") VALUES ('PageAccessAuth', 3, NULL, 3); |
177 | INSERT INTO aa_group_authorization (auth_name, group_no, param_no, "rule") VALUES ('PageAccessAuth', 4, NULL, 4); |
178 | INSERT INTO aa_group_authorization (auth_name, group_no, param_no, "rule") VALUES ('PageAccessAuth', 5, NULL, 5); |
179 | INSERT INTO aa_group_authorization (auth_name, group_no, param_no, "rule") VALUES ('PageAccessAuth', 6, NULL, 3); |
180 | INSERT INTO aa_group_authorization (auth_name, group_no, param_no, "rule") VALUES ('SignAuth', 3, NULL, 1); |
181 | INSERT INTO aa_group_authorization (auth_name, group_no, param_no, "rule") VALUES ('SignAuth', 6, NULL, 2); |
182 | |
183 | |
184 | INSERT INTO user_attribute (attribute, value, "type", priority) VALUES ('username', 'admin', '00_id', 0); |
185 | INSERT INTO user_attribute (user_no, attribute, value, "type", priority) VALUES ((select user_no from user_attribute where attribute = 'username' and value='admin'), 'citizenshipNumber', '12345', '00_id', 0); |
186 | INSERT INTO user_authentication (username, "password") VALUES ('12345', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3'); |
187 | |
188 | |
189 | INSERT INTO aa_user_group (username, group_no, "order") VALUES ((select user_no from user_attribute where attribute = 'username' and value='admin'), 1, 1); |
190 | INSERT INTO aa_user_group (username, group_no, "order") VALUES ((select user_no from user_attribute where attribute = 'username' and value='admin'), 3, 2); |
191 | INSERT INTO aa_user_group (username, group_no, "order") VALUES ((select user_no from user_attribute where attribute = 'username' and value='admin'), 4, 3); |
192 | INSERT INTO aa_user_group (username, group_no, "order") VALUES ((select user_no from user_attribute where attribute = 'username' and value='admin'), 5, 4); |
193 | </sql> |
194 | <rollback/> |
195 | </changeSet> |
196 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="20" runOnChange="true"> |
197 | <comment>Function to delete all data from all tables. Can be updated later (runAlways is set)</comment> |
198 | <createProcedure><![CDATA[ |
199 | --DROP FUNCTION db_delete_all_data(); |
200 | CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION db_delete_all_data() RETURNS character varying |
201 | LANGUAGE plpgsql |
202 | AS 'DECLARE |
203 | table_list VARCHAR(100000); |
204 | mtable RECORD; |
205 | BEGIN |
206 | |
207 | table_list := ''''; |
208 | -- public semasinda bulunan tum tablolar, bizim tablolarimiz |
209 | |
210 | FOR mtable IN select * from pg_tables where schemaname = ''public'' LOOP |
211 | IF position(''databasechangelog'' in mtable.tablename)>0 THEN CONTINUE; END IF; |
212 | table_list := table_list || quote_ident(mtable.tablename) || '', ''; |
213 | END LOOP; |
214 | |
215 | table_list := substring(table_list from 0 for length(table_list)-1); |
216 | |
217 | EXECUTE ''TRUNCATE TABLE '' || table_list; |
218 | |
219 | RETURN table_list; |
220 | END;'; |
221 | ]]> |
222 | </createProcedure> |
223 | <rollback/> |
224 | </changeSet> |
225 | <!-- << INFRASTRUCTURE SCHEMA --> |
226 | <!-- WORKSPACE SCHEMA >> --> |
227 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="21"> |
228 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="workspace_file"> |
229 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
230 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="workspace_file_pkey"/> |
231 | </column> |
232 | <column name="user_no" type="int4"/> |
233 | <column name="file_path" type="VARCHAR(10000)"/> |
234 | <column name="file_summary" type="TEXT(2147483647)"/> |
235 | <column name="status" type="int4"/> |
236 | <column name="creation_date" type="TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE"/> |
237 | <column name="file_extension" type="VARCHAR(1024)"/> |
238 | <column defaultValueBoolean="false" name="temporary" type="bool"> |
239 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
240 | </column> |
241 | </createTable> |
242 | </changeSet> |
243 | <!-- << WORKSPACE SCHEMA --> |
244 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="22"> |
245 | <tagDatabase tag="21"/> |
246 | </changeSet> |
247 | <!-- DOX SCHEMA >> --> |
248 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="23"> |
249 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="dox_message"> |
250 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
251 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="dox_message_pkey"/> |
252 | </column> |
253 | <column name="type" type="int4"/> |
254 | <column name="subject" type="VARCHAR(10000)"> |
255 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
256 | </column> |
257 | <column name="content" type="TEXT(2147483647)"> |
258 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
259 | </column> |
260 | <column name="sender" type="VARCHAR(1024)"> |
261 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
262 | </column> |
263 | <column name="date" type="TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE"/> |
264 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="options" type="int4"> |
265 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
266 | </column> |
267 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="status" type="int4"> |
268 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
269 | </column> |
270 | </createTable> |
271 | </changeSet> |
272 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="24"> |
273 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="dox_message_attribute"> |
274 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
275 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="dox_message_attribute_pkey"/> |
276 | </column> |
277 | <column name="message_no" type="int4"> |
278 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
279 | </column> |
280 | <column name="type" type="VARCHAR(1024)"> |
281 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
282 | </column> |
283 | <column name="attribute" type="VARCHAR(1024)"> |
284 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
285 | </column> |
286 | <column name="value" type="TEXT(2147483647)"> |
287 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
288 | </column> |
289 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="order" type="int4"> |
290 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
291 | </column> |
292 | </createTable> |
293 | </changeSet> |
294 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="25"> |
295 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="dox_message_attachment"> |
296 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
297 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="dox_message_attachment_pkey"/> |
298 | </column> |
299 | <column name="message_no" type="int4"> |
300 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
301 | </column> |
302 | <column name="content_no" type="int4"> |
303 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
304 | </column> |
305 | <column name="content_type" type="VARCHAR(1000)"> |
306 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
307 | </column> |
308 | <column name="name" type="VARCHAR(10000)"> |
309 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
310 | </column> |
311 | <column name="reference" type="VARCHAR(1000)"> |
312 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
313 | </column> |
314 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="flags" type="int4"> |
315 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
316 | </column> |
317 | </createTable> |
318 | </changeSet> |
319 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="26"> |
320 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="dox_content"> |
321 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
322 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="dox_attachment_content_pkey"/> |
323 | </column> |
324 | <column name="path" type="VARCHAR(10000)"> |
325 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
326 | </column> |
327 | <column name="hash" type="VARCHAR(1024)"/> |
328 | </createTable> |
329 | </changeSet> |
330 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="27"> |
331 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="message_no" baseTableName="dox_message_attribute" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_message_attribute_message_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_message" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
332 | </changeSet> |
333 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="28"> |
334 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="message_no" baseTableName="dox_message_attachment" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_message_attachment_message_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_message" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
335 | </changeSet> |
336 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="29"> |
337 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="content_no" baseTableName="dox_message_attachment" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_message_attachment_content_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_content" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
338 | </changeSet> |
339 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="30"> |
340 | <tagDatabase tag="29"/> |
341 | </changeSet> |
342 | <!-- DOX SCHEMA (TRANSACTION) >> --> |
343 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="31"> |
344 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="dox_domain"> |
345 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
346 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="dox_domain_pkey"/> |
347 | </column> |
348 | <column name="domain" type="VARCHAR(1024)"/> |
349 | <column name="address" type="VARCHAR(2048)"/> |
350 | <column name="client_certificate" type="TEXT(2147483647)"/> |
351 | <column name="server_certificate" type="TEXT(2147483647)"/> |
352 | <column defaultValueBoolean="false" name="can_relay" type="bool"> |
353 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
354 | </column> |
355 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="protocol" type="int4"> |
356 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
357 | </column> |
358 | </createTable> |
359 | </changeSet> |
360 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="32"> |
361 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="dox_transaction_log"> |
362 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
363 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="dox_transaction_log_pkey"/> |
364 | </column> |
365 | <column name="message_no" type="int4"/> |
366 | <column name="sender" type="VARCHAR(1024)"> |
367 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
368 | </column> |
369 | <column name="recipient" type="VARCHAR(1024)"> |
370 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
371 | </column> |
372 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="sender_domain_no" type="int4"> |
373 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
374 | </column> |
375 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="recipient_domain_no" type="int4"> |
376 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
377 | </column> |
378 | <column defaultValueBoolean="false" name="relay" type="bool"> |
379 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
380 | </column> |
381 | <column defaultValueDate="now()" name="date" type="TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE"> |
382 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
383 | </column> |
384 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="protocol" type="int4"> |
385 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
386 | </column> |
387 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="status" type="int4"> |
388 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
389 | </column> |
390 | <column name="details" type="TEXT(2147483647)"/> |
391 | </createTable> |
392 | </changeSet> |
393 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="33"> |
394 | <createTable schemaName="public" tableName="dox_user_message"> |
395 | <column autoIncrement="true" name="no" type="serial"> |
396 | <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="dox_user_message_pkey"/> |
397 | </column> |
398 | <column name="user_no" type="int4"> |
399 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
400 | </column> |
401 | <column name="message_no" type="int4"> |
402 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
403 | </column> |
404 | <column defaultValueNumeric="0" name="folder" type="int4"> |
405 | <constraints nullable="false"/> |
406 | </column> |
407 | <column name="transaction_log_no" type="int4"/> |
408 | </createTable> |
409 | </changeSet> |
410 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="34"> |
411 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="sender_domain_no" baseTableName="dox_transaction_log" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_transaction_log_sender_domain_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_domain" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
412 | </changeSet> |
413 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="35"> |
414 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="recipient_domain_no" baseTableName="dox_transaction_log" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_transaction_log_recipient_domain_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_domain" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
415 | </changeSet> |
416 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="36"> |
417 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="message_no" baseTableName="dox_transaction_log" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_transaction_log_message_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_message" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
418 | </changeSet> |
419 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="37"> |
420 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="message_no" baseTableName="dox_user_message" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_user_message_message_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="CASCADE" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_message" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
421 | </changeSet> |
422 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="38"> |
423 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="transaction_log_no" baseTableName="dox_user_message" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_user_message_transaction_log_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="SET NULL" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_transaction_log" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
424 | </changeSet> |
425 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="39"> |
426 | <tagDatabase tag="38"/> |
427 | </changeSet> |
428 | <!-- DOX SCHEMA (UPDATE 1) --> |
429 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="40"> |
430 | <addColumn tableName="dox_message_attachment" schemaName="public"> |
431 | <column name="content_length" type="int4" defaultValueNumeric="0"/> |
432 | </addColumn> |
433 | <comment>to keep track of attachment size, and tell to the browser while downloading</comment> |
434 | </changeSet> |
435 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="41"> |
436 | <comment> |
437 | change on delete cascade to on delete restrict of some foreign key constraints, since referencing tables does not belong to referenced tables |
438 | e.g. Msg. attachment does not belong to content, if a msg attch. exists, referenced content cannot be deleted. |
439 | </comment> |
440 | <dropForeignKeyConstraint baseTableName="dox_message_attachment" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_message_attachment_content_no_fkey"/> |
441 | <rollback changeSetId="29" changeSetAuthor="fmguler" /> |
442 | </changeSet> |
443 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="42"> |
444 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseTableName="dox_message_attachment" baseTableSchemaName="public" baseColumnNames="content_no" constraintName="dox_message_attachment_content_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="RESTRICT" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_content" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
445 | </changeSet> |
446 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="43"> |
447 | <dropForeignKeyConstraint baseTableName="dox_transaction_log" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_transaction_log_recipient_domain_no_fkey"/> |
448 | <rollback changeSetId="35" changeSetAuthor="fmguler" /> |
449 | </changeSet> |
450 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="44"> |
451 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="recipient_domain_no" baseTableName="dox_transaction_log" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_transaction_log_recipient_domain_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="RESTRICT" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_domain" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
452 | </changeSet> |
453 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="45"> |
454 | <dropForeignKeyConstraint baseTableName="dox_transaction_log" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_transaction_log_sender_domain_no_fkey"/> |
455 | <rollback changeSetId="34" changeSetAuthor="fmguler" /> |
456 | </changeSet> |
457 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="46"> |
458 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="sender_domain_no" baseTableName="dox_transaction_log" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_transaction_log_sender_domain_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="RESTRICT" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_domain" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
459 | </changeSet> |
460 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="47"> |
461 | <dropForeignKeyConstraint baseTableName="dox_user_message" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_user_message_transaction_log_no_fkey"/> |
462 | <rollback changeSetId="38" changeSetAuthor="fmguler" /> |
463 | </changeSet> |
464 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="48"> |
465 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="transaction_log_no" baseTableName="dox_user_message" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_user_message_transaction_log_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="RESTRICT" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_transaction_log" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
466 | </changeSet> |
467 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="49"> |
468 | <dropForeignKeyConstraint baseTableName="dox_user_message" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_user_message_message_no_fkey"/> |
469 | <rollback changeSetId="37" changeSetAuthor="fmguler" /> |
470 | </changeSet> |
471 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="50"> |
472 | <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="message_no" baseTableName="dox_user_message" baseTableSchemaName="public" constraintName="dox_user_message_message_no_fkey" deferrable="false" initiallyDeferred="false" onDelete="RESTRICT" onUpdate="CASCADE" referencedColumnNames="no" referencedTableName="dox_message" referencedTableSchemaName="public"/> |
473 | </changeSet> |
474 | <changeSet author="fmguler" id="51"> |
475 | <tagDatabase tag="50"/> |
476 | </changeSet> |
477 | <!-- << DOX SCHEMA --> |
478 | </databaseChangeLog> |