source: trunk/fmgVen/lib/test/liquibase-1.9.5.jar @ 31

Last change on this file since 31 was 26, checked in by fmguler, 14 years ago

Refs #3 - is transferred to the new package. Save use case is completed. Convert.toDB() converts camel case object names to database names with underscores. Unchecked VenException is thrown by Ven methods. Liquibase changelog (test-db-changelog.xml) is changed to include only a simple object to test save operation. It creates a sample database table and inserts a sample row. On rollback it removes sample data. Using liquibase, builds database, tests save operation and rolls back.

QueryGenerator generates insert and update queries for save and generates sequence query to assign ids to new objects. Ven calls query generator and runs the query using spring jdbc template.

Old codebase updated to run at Java 1.4

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