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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#6 fixed fmgVen - generate liquibase changelog xml to create database schema fmguler fmguler

I was thinking to add a support class for generating SQL create table statements for the specified domain packages, but I use liquibase in my projects, and it is a good practice, so I think it is better to generate liquibase change sets.

Generated xml can be copied to a liquibase database changelog, and the database schema can be created for the Java domain objects in the specified domain package.

Note that this only includes generating initial db schema, the changes in the objects (adding a property or an object, renaming, etc) are out of the scope, they should be manually handled in liquibase changelog or db administration app.

#3 fixed fmgVen - create a new package hierachy to be used for new development and translate old code fmguler fmguler

The ancient fmgVen tool is planned to be updated. It uses non existing net.fmg package hierachy, and all of the code including comments are in Turkish. While it had been intentionally and meticulously done so, for mainstream use it needs to be in English to reach a wider target audience. Also it contradicts with coding conventions of most projects in the original form, mixed languages, no getters (since Turkish is a agglutinative language.

I appreciate the idealistic endeavor however, past me. The original code will forever rest in peace in the code repository.

#2 wontfix Scheduling System için DAO sınıfı yapılacak, domain nesneleri tanımlanacak. fmguler fmguler

#1 ile temel işlevsellik tanımlandı, mockup resimlerinden bakılabilir. Temel işlevselliği yapmaya başlayacağım. Bunun için domain nesneleri çıkarılacak, veritabanı şeması oluşturulacak ve dao yapılacak.

Veritabanı güncelleme için liquibase ve dao için de ven kullanabilirim.

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