
fmgVen Use Cases

The typical use cases for fmgVen are described here. With fmgVen, user can;

  • Save an object
  • Delete an object
  • Get an object by primary key
  • List the collection of objects
  • List the collection of objects according to some criteria and also sort

Use Case: Save an Object

To save an object, user calls;

SomeDomainObject obj = new SomeDomainObject();
obj.setDate(new Date());;

Use Case: Delete an Object

To delete an object, user calls;

ven.delete(1, SomeDomainObject.class);

Use Case: Get an Object by Primary Key

To get an object by its primary key, user calls;

SomeDomainObject obj = (SomeDomainObject)ven.get(1, SomeDomainObject.class);

Use Case: List the Collection of Objects

To list the collection of objects, user calls;

List objList = ven.list(SomeDomainObject.class);

Use Case: List the Collection of Objects By Some Criteria

To list the collection of objects by some criteria, user calls;

List objList = ven.list(SomeDomainObject.class, criteria);

Use Case: Get/List Nested Objects by Specifying Path

To get an object (or list) containing nested objects, user can specify the path of requested nested objects;

SomeDomainObject obj = (SomeDomainObject)ven.get(1, SomeDomainObject.class, "SomeDomainObject.nestedObject.anotherNestedObject");
Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Oct 11, 2010, 9:08:11 PM